Monday, September 2, 2013

Program of Activities and Percentage of IMSB Appropriation

Herein uploaded photo is a copy of Suggested Programs/Projects prepared by the Alternate of the Mayor in the Indanan Municipal School Board, Hji. Iriles N. Ladjabassal, Municipal Information Officer.

In a meeting of IMSB at Pasil, Indanan, Sulu last Sept. 2, 2013, Hji. Ladjabassal "Utu' Diri'" presided the meeting where he gave every member of the IMSB a copy of Suggested Programs/Projects to beundertaken throughout this school year. The Board was free to voice out their comments, suggestions, or rectifications and allocated percentage on the following components of the Programs/Projects of IMSB:

I. Enhancing Teacher's Competencies
II. Conducive Environment/Workplace
III. Enhancing School-Community Relations
IV. Other Programs and Projects/Athletics

The Board agreed the percentage below:

I - 50%
II - 10%
III - 10%
IV - 30%

Other rectifications made can be gleaned on the uploaded photo.

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